Verify Your Mastodon Identity via the Gutenberg Block Editor in WordPress

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A way to verify the authenticity of your identity on Mastodon is to add a link to your personal page on Mastodon on your own website (the link text doesn’t matter), which contains the attribute rel="me" (this is a necessary condition). Thus, when the Mastodon instance receives the returned link, a small green tick will be marked on your personal link on your profile page, representing a successful certification.

However, some WordPress users may use themes built with the Gutenberg block editor. In these themes, the “Social Media” block added to the homepage can only add the link to the social media personal page itself, and attributes like rel= cannot be added at all. If you manually edit its HTML code, then it will show that the block code is damaged when you return to the visual editor, requiring automatic repair. Once repaired, the rel="me" is added in vain. Sometimes even if you save it forcibly without repairing, there is a chance that it will be automatically repaired when you edit it again next time.

However, the author recently found out (June 2023) that the new version of the WordPress (6.2.2) Gutenberg block editor can now add rel= attribute content in the “Advanced” menu of social media links.

Just fill in me in the column to meet Mastodon’s certification requirements.

For those who were previously blocked due to the block editor, it might be worth giving it another try.

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